The Next Generation Of Retailing – Making Your Customers Your Partner


Utilizing customer journey analytics can effectively pinpoint the drivers of customer satisfaction, a feat traditional analytics often struggle with. This advanced method provides quantitative key performance indicators (KPIs) along the paths taken by your most satisfied customers as they interact with your brand across various channels over time. For instance, by offering a simple solution that allows customers to quickly and easily resolve their issues, your team can then orchestrate timely communications to each customer across multiple channels, mere seconds after an issue is detected. 

Once-distinct Markets Are Colliding Thanks to Augmented Analytics 

Augmented analytics is a transformative force in the realms of analytics, business intelligence (BI), and data science + machine learning markets. As Gartner notes, “Although these capabilities are still termed ‘descriptive,’ ‘diagnostic,’ ‘predictive,’ and ‘prescriptive,’ their implementation and usage are becoming increasingly seamless and integrated. Data scientists and BI analysts can now fluidly transition between different analytics capabilities as dictated by their needs.” 

Organizations that leverage the opportunities created by this convergence of markets can achieve significant competitive advantages. However, this requires taking strategic steps now. 

Discover why aiinteleKt is at the forefront of this analytic convergence, aiding brands in: 

  • Obtaining top recommendations for data and analytic management to exploit this emerging market 
  • Understanding what the convergence of once-distinct markets signifies for the future of data + analytics practices, processes, and personnel 
  • Accelerating your analytics maturation in this new landscape to avoid overlaps, confusion, and missed opportunities 

Use the Most Advanced Tools to Stay on Top of the Numbers 

Embedding and rolling out a joint value approach and Agile ways of working requires participants to have the right access to data and tools. Many consumer goods companies encounter setbacks when different team members have access to varying, sometimes conflicting, data. Agile customer teams developing joint value plans need a single source of truth. This unified approach helps generate accurate, real-time estimates of the impact of various ideas on joint profit pools. It also aids teams in determining the best trade-offs for both proposed plans and negotiations, facilitating the tracking of results. 

aiinteleKt has developed a suite of advanced solutions to assist cross-functional customer teams in preparing their plans. 

Cultivating Customer-Centric Retail Relationships 

The relationship between retailers and consumer goods companies is complex and challenging in today’s market. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for improving these relations, and the prevailing retail environment is not expected to improve soon. Therefore, suppliers must find innovative ways to create value with and for most of their customers, rather than opposing them. 

Successful consumer goods companies will: 

  • Understand their retail customers’ economics as well as their own 
  • Differentiate plans based on a customer’s strategy and shopper demographics 
  • Rely on cross-functional teams and Agile methodologies to prepare customer touchpoints 
  • Maintain year-round contact at multiple levels 
  • Use advanced tools to bring actionable data to the table for mutual benefit 

This comprehensive approach is essential for achieving true customer-centricity. 

By integrating these strategies and leveraging advanced customer engagement measurement tools, brands can enhance client retention metrics and foster brand loyalty and retention, ultimately transforming their customer relationships into lasting partnerships. 

Are you interested in diving deeper into your retail marketing challenges? Schedule a 30-minute chat with one of our specialists. We can review your unique situation and suggest approaches that can set you on the path to success 

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